Christmas at Dreamworld China Earthquake Appeal - Proudly Supporting Red Cross

After the earthquake in China this year that killed nearly 70,000 people, left 400,000 people injured and 5 million people homeless, a group of self confessed 'Sinophiles' (people with a strong interest in China) decided to hold a special evening at Dreamworld, and donate all ticket proceeds to Australian Red Cross for their work in China .

Led by two time finalist in the Women In Business Awards, Ms Lindy Chen, we formed a committee of business people and students, with the intention of making a significant difference to earthquake victims in China. 

We'd love to hear from you:

Emma Drynan

China Earthquake Appeal

155 Lytton Rd

East Brisbane, Qld 4169

Ph. (07) 3392 1421

Contact Information

Emma Drynan
073392 1421

155 Lytton Road East Brisbane QLD 4169, Australia

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