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Event Details

You are warmly invited to attend a special one off event with some top line property speakers.

Where can you go to get unbiased property advice that really makes sense? There is so much noise in the media and property magazines that it’s hard to discern the truth about the property market. 

At this seminar you will learn the latest trends and developments in the property market from experts in the field. You won’t get this information from any other source. Stop googling and start networking. Get your questions answered in a live environment. This event is likely to book out so reserve your ticket early. 

Topics covered at this one off special event include:

  • Where is the property market heading for the remainder of 2014?
  • Is property over-valued or is there more growth to come? Is bubble talk all hot air?
  • Prospects for Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth
  • Investment property strategies that work in todays’ market
  • Buying tips and selection criteria
  • Hot spots and Not spots
  • How to finance multiple property purchases
  • Is cross-collateralising ever advisable?
  • SMSF strategies for property investors.

Date:      Wednesday 7th May 2014
Time:      6.30pm registration, 7.00pm start to 9.00 pm
Venue:    SMC Conference & Function Centre, 66 Goulburn St, Sydney
Cost:       $19 single ticket, $29 double ticket

Telephone inquiries: 02 9975 3311

Limited seating is available so book early to reserve your spot today!


1. Rich Harvey, Managing Director & Founder of propertybuyer

Rich is a buyers’ agent, property investor and professional economist with over 18 years experience in the property industry. He is a research expert and highly skilled in investment analysis and negotiation techniques that can deliver real savings for his clients. Rich and his team have purchased over 1700 properties for their clients. As Australia’s leading Buyers Agent, Rich has won 25 major awards including the prestigious National Telstra Business award in 2007 and also named the winner "Best Buyers Agent in Australia" by the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA).

2. Lisa Montgomery, Head of Communications, Resi Home Loans

With a career spanning 30 years in the lending and finance sectors, Lisa Montgomery is a respected leader, commentator and consumer advocate within the Australian financial services industry.

She is the former CEO of financial information provider Infochoice Ltd and more recently CEO of one of Australia’s leading non-bank lenders, Resi Home Loans.

As a nationally recognized consumer advocate, Lisa is a regular on Sky News and Sky News Business Channels where she appears as a consumer finance and property specialist. She regularly appears and hosts the live to air program Your Money Your Call – Property.
At the 2010 Australian National Lending Awards Lisa was awarded the prestigious ‘Thought Leader of the Year’ award for her work as a consumer champion.

3. Ian Rodrigues, Director, Bishop Collins Chartered Accountants

Ian has extensive experience in commercial and taxation matters related to business and property. Ian’s experience also extends to succession planning, estate planning, superannuation and asset protection advice.

Ian is responsible for specialist taxation advisory services and information for Bishop Collins’ clients. Ian is an active commentator and presenter on taxation reform and related subjects. Ian is also a significant contributor to his profession where he was the 2011 NSW State Chairman of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) dealing with all issues facing small practice advisors.

Ian is an expert member of the “Property Success with Margaret Lomas” show. This long running show screens on Foxtel business channel. Ian is in the 6th year of presenting taxation tips for viewers each episode.

Ian is also a regular panelist on the “Your Money Your Call – property edition” which also screens on Foxtel business channel. Ian answers live all questions that come to air during the show, whilst engaging in lively discussion around caller’s questions on tax and related issues.

Ian has given dozens of presentations to accounting professionals, industry groups, lawyers, medicos, club industry, building industry in all sizes of audience and on a range of topical issues. Ian is sought after as a speaker for his knowledge and experience, but particularly the ability to keep the audience engaged and interested in the topic at hand. 

Away from work, Ian keeps busy with his young family, usually cycling, swimming or boating.

Bachelor of Commerce
Master of Taxation
Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia
Registered Tax Agent

4. John Lindeman, Director, Property Power Partners

John Lindeman, Director of innovative research firm Property Power Partners, is widely respected as one of Australia's leading property market analysts.

With well over a decade of experience researching the nature and dynamics of the housing market at major data analysts, John is renowned as the property market researcher that property experts go to for all their Australian housing market insights.

John regularly provides presentations, commissioned reports and other research services on the nature and direction of the residential property market for property industry leaders. His extensive property knowledge is complemented by around 40 years' experience as a successful property investor.

John’s monthly column on housing market research has featured in Australian Property Investor Magazine for nearly three years. He is a regular contributor to property investment e-newsletters and programs such as Michael Yardney’s Property Update, Kevin Turner’s Real Estate Talk, Alan Kohler’s Eureka Report and author of the landmark best-selling book for property investors, Mastering the Australian Housing Market published by Wrightbooks.

John is an experienced and popular presenter on the housing market

John frequently gives keynote presentations at property investment events and seminars conducted around Australia, where his thorough knowledge of the property market directly addresses the concerns and needs of attendees. His easy to understand explanations of the dynamics and emerging opportunities for investors are presented in an innovative and entertaining style.

We look forward to seeing you at the seminar.  Seats are strictly limited and we recommend you secure your ticket today.

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SMC Conference & Function Centre, Sydney

66 Goulburn Street Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

Organiser Information

Sarah Burrows
02 9975 3311

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