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Making the C.A.S.E. for legal industry information professionals

Information professionals looking to fine tune your strategies, evidence and arguments to make the C.A.S.E. for your role in the changing legal industry, this is the workshop for you.

In lead up to C.A.S.E. [2014] ALLA 5000, Heather Carine will lead a 90 minute productive workshop, where participants will Collaborate, Advocate, Strategise and Educate.

The collaborative workshop will cover:

* Trends & changes in the legal profession.

* Recent research on the evolving value and future of information management.

* Essential success factors for delivering value in the changing legal industry.

Everyone will come away with:

* Shared insights through open and collaborative discussions with leading legal information professionals.

* New ideas and tips to enhance delivery on the essential success factors for information managers in the legal industry.

* Strategies to make your case and communicate your value.

The workshop is suitable for new and experienced information professionals working in law firms, government or universities.

This workshop is for information professionals wanting to come away from their conference experience armed with solid strategies for developing and promoting their information service to meet the changing needs of the Australasian legal industry.


Some comments from attendees at Heather’s speaking engagements:

"Eloquent and engaging”

“Very impressive delivery and great to contemplate on the major issues that make or break the profession”

“Interesting, concise, valuable & thorough overview with great specific examples and hints”

“Added value” to my knowledge with excellent exposition and strategies.”

“10/10. On target & applicable.”

About the workshop facilitator

Heather Carine is a librarian, who moved in to marketing, and now runs her own business as a market intelligence researcher.

In 2006, Heather established Carine Research, a specialist market intelligence research service, for companies wanting to connect the dots in their market

She has run workshops for information professionals around Australia, and presented to audiences in the US on marketing for information professionals.

Heather was recently published in Corporate Libraries: Basic Principles in a Changing Landscape (Ark Group, 2014).

Heather is a member of the Australian Law Librarians’ Association, and the Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP).

She is based in Adelaide and tweets as @HeatherCarine.

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City Library, Meeting Room 1

Francis Street Adelaide SA 5000, Australia

Organiser Information

Heather Carine
The Penguin Club of Australia SA Incorporated

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