Ticket Information

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Event Details

You are invited to attend a one-day symposium on the interface between science, technology and human health. As technology advances, so does its potential use in health care. Data analytics, smartphones, social media and sensors are now being used to both detect poor mental health and successfully deliver interventions.

This raises an important question. Do we really need to be physically face-to-face with people to provide quality mental health care?

 Join us at this special event to hear more from the experts. A special keynote address will be given by Prof Thomas Insel M.D., former Director of the US National Institute of Mental Health and currently Director of Clinical Neuroscience at Verily (Google) Life Sciences. 

Other speakers

• Dr Tjeerd Boonstra, Black Dog Institute

• Prof Rafa Calvo, School of Information and Electrical Engineering, University of Sydney 

• Prof Nicholas Christakis, Institute for Network Science, Yale University USA

• Prof Helen Christensen, Black Dog Institute

• Prof Sally Cripps, Sydney Business School, University of Sydney

• Dr Mads Frost, Monsenso

• Prof Ian Hickie AM, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney

• A/Prof Frances Kay-Lambkin, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle

• Dr Mark Larsen, Black Dog Institute

• Prof John Mattick AO, Garvan Institute of Medical Research

• Mr Travis Murphy, SAS Australia and New Zealand

• Dr Bridianne O’Dea, Black Dog Institute

• A/Prof Fabio Ramos, School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney

• Mr Martin Taylor, StartVR

• A/Prof Mari Velonaki, Creative Robotics Lab at the National Institute for Experimental Arts, University of NSW

• Prof Svetha Ventakesh, Centre for Pattern Recognition and Data Analytics, Deakin University 

Student tickets are available at a reduced cost of $55. Please email proof of full time student status to Kathryn Woodcock (k.woodcock@blackdog.org.au) who will then provide a discount code.

If you have any dietary requests, please email Kathryn Woodcock (k.woodcock@blackdog.org.au) to advise.

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Tyree Room, John Nilend Scientia Building, UNSW

High Street Kensington NSW 2033, Australia

Organiser Information

Kathryn Woodcock
Black Dog Institute
02 9382 4350

Ask the organiser