
Tickets for this event are currently unavailable



DOOFORD is a weekend multi-arts open-studio event. What began as simply a showcase for her own studio practice has grown from a few friends performing on the studio stage into a vibrant intellectual and artistic exchange of ideas and development of working relationships between artists.

Over one weekend, Doofword participating artists present panel discussions, conduct workshops, perform new work to peers, collaborate and network. Artistic Directors and event managers Geoffrey Datson and Annette Hughes have run the event since 2011 at their Greenroom studio in Cooroy, and have decided to move the established Christmas/new year dates to September to coincide with the Horizon event. Most importantly - DOOFWORD provides a safe space to experiment (and a to possibly fail) within a supportive collegiate millieu.

This year our wish list hails from Bundaberg, Imbil, Brisbane, Cooroy, Nambour, Black Mountain, Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne (Interstate artists involvement dependent on funding applications to OZCO and Arts Q) whose collective practice ranges across several art forms.

The theme for this year's DOOFWORD is COLLABORATION. Several of the artists will be showcasing new works that have emerged from previous collaborations - poets with experimental film makers - an Iranian refugee activist/poet spoken word work with musicians - light sculptors and live electronica performance.

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THE TANK TOP Cooroy QLD 4563 Australia

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Datson Hughes

Datson Hughes
0420 336711

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