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Navigating a sexed-up world: the sexualisation of children and what we can do about it".

Macquarie College presents Melinda Tankard Reist, a special guest speaker at an upcoming event for parents.  Melinda is the latest expert presenter in our eSmart Series fostering safe and supportive communities through Macquarie College.

Melinda Tankard Reist is a well-known Australian writer, speaker, blogger and media commentator.  

Parents are invited to join a discussion and learn practical skills on how to change the narrative about children's perceptions of their value.  Melinda will show attendees how negative messages driven by media and popular culture are promoting that value is derived from body and physical appearance alone.  Issues facing young women today include sexualisation through games, music videos and explicit imagery in advertising.  While young men are being exposed to sexual imagery at much younger ages, contributing to distorted views of bodies, relationships and sexuality.

Melinda will equip families with insights and tools to challenge these norms, leading to safer and more respectful communities and relationships.

Don't miss your chance to hear Melinda's presentation, and take away tools for yourself and your family.

This Free community event open to members of the College community and their guests. The event will be held in the Campus Church Complex starting at 7:00pm, Wednesday 13th March, 2019.

Supper will be served at the conclusion of Melinda's presentation.

Register now to secure your seats.

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Campus Church Complex

182-222 Lake Road Wallsend NSW 2287, Australia

Organiser Information

Elizabeth Thomann
Macquarie College

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