
Tickets for this event are currently unavailable


The capacity of our urban areas to deliver water sensitive city outcomes is a complex and significant challenge. Cities are planned, maintained, grow and change as a consequence of the actions of a range of stakeholders. The ability of those stakeholders to inspire action both individually and collectively is a key component of capacity.

How we communicate what we want to or should do and how we collaborate are key skills and capacities to achieve water sensitive city outcomes. In this seminar discussions will be led by John Cantor, Arctic explorer and Noosa surfer and local inspiration who will share his story about determination, resilience and positive self-belief, we will also hear from artist and community engagement specialist, Caroline Austin, with unique ways for connecting people with ideas and about a local project in Brisbane that used the Living Waterways framework to co-design a public space together with amazing results.

Target audience: Water professionals, landscape architects, urban designers, town planners and community members.

Video Conference Link:

Water Services Association Australia has completed a substantive piece of work about the health benefits of water centric liveable communities and this can be viewed at

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 3 days before the event, N/A

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Malt Dining 28 Market Street Brisbane City QLD 4000 Australia

Organiser Information

CRC for Water Sensitive Cities

Chris Tanner
CRC for Water Sensitive Cities

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