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Event Details

Webinar: Understanding Private Practice Contracts

With Dominique Egan, Workplace Relations Director & Felicity Buckley, Senior Workplace Relations Advisor

Date: Wednesday, 20th September

Time: 12:15pm to 1pm

Cost: AMA Members: Free, Non-Members: $20

Please join us for our next ‘Workplace Wednesday Webinar’ where we will be looking closely at different contracts in Private Medical Practices. Dominique Egan will be discussing service agreements used when engaging doctors to work in group practices, and the recent implications of the payroll tax ruling. Felicity Buckley will be discussing the AMA (NSW) template employment contacts for practice support staff, health professionals and nurses.

This webinar will provide doctors and practice managers with practical information and greater understanding of the contracts they will come across regularly in their workplaces.

We encourage you to email your questions before the webinar to events@amansw.com.au and we’ll endeavour to address them during the webinar or answer them afterwards.

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Australian Medical Association (NSW)

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