Ticket Information

Tickets for this event are currently unavailable

Event Details

Buy your student registration & spectator tickets here. Please be aware student registration closes Friday 03 June 2022.  Spectator Tickets for family and friends must be pre-purchased online and will remain open up to the event unless sold out prior.
You will be notified by email 10 days  prior to the event of your exact concert time for your performance. When registering you are able to choose either morning or afternoon concerts. Each morning and afternoon concert will then be split into individual concerts of approx. 1 hour in length. Please note we cannot move students around or offer families with multiple children the same concert times. We can only offer AM or PM

Festival Times

The day is split into several smaller concerts of approximately 1 hour in length, when you register you can select either a Morning or Afternoon concert times, you will be notified via email 10 days prior to the event to the exact time your concert will start. We cannot change allocated times. 

*please note - Families with multiple performers. It is rarely possible to have families members in a single one hour concert but you can choose morning or afternoon. 


When you purchase your student registration you will be asked which section you wish your child to enter. The Brisbane Piano Festival is split into age and experience sections. The experience categories are-

  • Beginner (less than 6 months tuition)
  • Novice (6 to 12 months tuition)
  • Junior (1 to 2 years tuition)
  • Open (More than 2 years tuition)

Festival Rules

The main focus of the Brisbane Piano Festival is to encourage all students, even beginners,  to perform and to have fun, however we do have a few rules that all performers must follow. You can download the full list of rules from the link below.

Terms & Conditions

  1. All ticket sales are final and no refunds will be given.
  2. Performers are only to perform 1 piece on piano, this may include a music Backing or have a teacher accompany them.
  3. Piano backings must be received via email to admin@keyboardkidz.com.au by 10 June  2022 in MP3 format.
  4. All standard terms and conditions as outlined on the Sticky Tickets website
  5. All adjudication is final and no correspondence will be entered into. This event is about fun!
  6. We reserve the right to cancel and refund any ticket. 
  7. If any clarification is required please contact admin@keyboardkidz.com.au

Performance Time Limits

  • Beginner: Less than 90 seconds
  • Novice: Less than 2 minutes
  • Junior: Less than 3 minutes
  • Open: Less than 4 minutes*

*Special consideration can be sort before the event by contacting admin@keyboardkidz.com.au – must be received before 03 June 2022. 

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 14 days before the event, We cannot offer refunds 14 days prior to the event as trophies are purchased and concert times are organised 14 days before the event. If the event is cancelled due to a COVID lockdown the concert will be rescheduled asap once lockdown ends.

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MPB Building, The Gap State School

1111 Waterworks Road The Gap QLD 4061, Australia

Organiser Information
Keyboardkidz Pty Ltd

Brisbane Piano Festival
Keyboardkidz Pty Ltd

Ask the organiser