More Customers More Profits

More Customers More Profits located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. More Customers More Profits offers the following products or services: Business Strategy, Lead Conversion, Sales Conversions, Value articulation and increasing profits. Cash flow Management strategies, Professional Training & Coaching and Strategic Planning and Consulting. We build businesses with more customers and more profits and provide a turnkey system for Coaches, a lead funnel for Business Brokers, Accountants and HR companies.

Glenis Gassmann CA is the owner of More Customers - More Profits and a contributing writer for The Six Figure Coach Magazine. Glenis is a Business Breakthrough Specialist with expertise in the Financial realm as a Chartered Accountant heading up her own practice for 15 of the 30 years she has been impacting Small Businesses around the world by improving profits. Winning awards and creating innovative change with her strategic thinking she has an unrelenting determination and Passion to reduce the business failure rate across the business community. Her focus on every area of business creates profitable businesses, allowing personal freedom and financial health to all clients.

Recognised for excellence in Leadership, Strategy and Business Building. Glenis, a Chartered Accountant heads up a team of expert Business Coaches that work with committed business owners that want to grow their business to produce extraordinary performance and achieve business success.

Glenis knows what it takes to balance a healthy profitable business with a successful family life and her coaches, trains and mentors coaches and business owners to achieve this level of performance. She loves to see others succeed and empowers each and every business owner, to improve to a new level of performance. Her unique ability to innovate and think of outside the box opportunities for herself and every business she comes in contact with is the foundation for her success.

Contact Information

Glenis Gassman

Level 13/114 William Street Melbourne Melbourne 3000, Australia

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