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family, adventure I 2021 I Poland

SUNDAY 28/11/2021 2:00pm I THE BACKLOT PERTH

An award-winning family film based on the best-selling novel by Marcin Szczygielski of the same title.

After a devastating fire, the local mill in a small town lies untouched. Once a place of work for many parents, now it only attracts the interest of local kids curious about what is hiding behind the fenced off ruin they are told not to approach. When twelve-year-old Iwo and his friends break the promise not to visit the Black Mill, the children accidentally unleash its evil powers. From that moment nothing will ever be the same again. Objects and adults start to disappear and it is up to Iwo, his sister Mela and his band of courageous friends to discover what really happened at the Black Mill. The film is based on the best-selling novel by Marcin Szczygielski of the same title.


Original Title: Czarny Młyn

Duration: 101 min

Language: Polish with English subtitles

Director: Mariusz Palej

Writer: Magdalena Nieć,Katarzyna Stachowicz-Gacek

Cast: TIwo Wiciński, Pola Galica-Galoch, Oliwia Ogorzelska, Magdalena Nieć, Borys Wiciński, Mateusz Winek, Michał Lupa, Marcin Dorociński

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 30 days before the event, Tickets are sold on a non-refundable and non-exchangeable basis, so please make your selection carefully. Lost or stolen tickets will not be replaced or refunded. The only exception is event cancellation in which case aticket refund will be provided.

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21 Simpson Street West Perth WA 6005, Australia

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Polish Film Festival in Perth

Polish Film Festival in Perth
Polish Film Festival in Perth

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