
Tickets for this event are currently unavailable


$30 + booking fee pre, $35 door

Django @ Camelot

7pm doors, 8pm show

We can only reserve tables for GROUPS OF 8 OR MORE (you can go as large as you like! We never run out of tables for large groups who get our email confirmation once you email a request.

TO RESERVE A TABLE OF 8 OR MORE. . .Firstly buy all your tickets, then email: Please list *show name *show date and only the *name the tickets are booked under.

LESS THAN 8 people??? All other seating is on a 'first in best dressed' basis! So come early and choose a seat, a stool or table which suits. If the show is sold-out, you may end up sharing with others or choose to stand.

Please book carefully – as no refunds, credits or exchanges on tickets are possible.
All ages are welcome (but under 18′s must be accompanied by an adult) and a ticket must be purchased to support the artists playing.
Delicious food (including pizza!) is available.
Fully licensed – NO BYO

Back to share more musical peace, love and understanding, and off the back of red-hot album "Dumb Luck", Murray Cook’s Soul Movers are excited to be back to heat up the stage again at Django Bar.

From groovy pop to retro rock and funky finger-lickin' bangers - the entire smorgasbord of soul-moving sounds will be shared in their usual passionate (and often hilarious) fashion.

From the joyful strings of OG Red Wiggle Murray Cook with tambourine (and knee-high boots) accomplice Lizzie Mack, plus the three delivery 'movin men of rhythm - Marko (keys), Luke (drums) and Matthew (bass) making the beats offering, truly irresistible.

Come have your soul moved accords the legendary studios of the USA where the band learned their craft from the hit-makers of the 1960’s and 70’s - you know - THE GOOD STUFF.

Be sure to grab your tickets now as every past show is selling out well in advance!

Refund Policy

No refund, Tickets are non-refundable except as specified in the Entertainment Industry Code of Fair Practice.

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Camelot Lounge 103 Railway Parade Marrickville NSW 2204 Australia

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Camelot Lounge

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