Bayswater Community Playgroups

at Bayswater Children and Family Centre

When (multiple sessions)


Playgroup attendance




Knox Children & Family Centre - Bayswater - Community Playgroup

Playgroup is having special time to play together, build relationships, meet new friends and gain a sense of community involvement. Playgroups usually meet on a regular basis once a week during school terms.

Playgroup provides an environment where children can: learn to play and socialise with other children; increase their skills and confidence; extend language and early literacy through words, books and stories; be supported to enjoy active play and share healthy snacks; and experience children with diverse needs and different cultures

Parents and carers can: build relationships and meet new friends; access parenting information, resources and support; learn about childhood development; and experience community involvement.

Admission is free

Enquiries: contact the Knox Playgroup Team via or call 9298 8499

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Bayswater Children and Family Centre 41 Phyllis Street Bayswater VIC 3153 Australia

Organiser Information rss

Knox City Council

Knox Playgroup Team
Knox City Council