at Torrens room, Cathedral Hotel
Monday, 22 July 2024 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Cen. Australia Standard Time) + Add to calendar22/07/2024 08:3022/07/2024 16:30Australia/AdelaidePaediatric Palliative Care WorkshopPaediatric Palliative Care Workshop
Monday, 22 July 2024 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (Cen. Australia Standard Time)
Julie Duffield
Torrens room, Cathedral Hotel
45 Kermode Street
North Adelaide
SA 5006 Australia
Allow time to find car parking.
Event web page: room, Cathedral Hotel
45 Kermode Street
North Adelaide SA 5006
AustraliaJulie DuffieldfalseDD/MM/YYYY2880
Tickets for this event are currently unavailable
We invite all professionals that provide care for children with life-limiting conditions, & their families to participate in this learning course & face-to-face workshop. You will learn to confidently care for children & their families wherever they reside.
There are 7 online modules to complete prior to the day
Learning Outcomes:
·Detail the difference between paediatric & adult palliative care
·Identify the role of the PPC specialty service
·Discuss physical, psychosocial, spiritual & emotional aspects of care
·Identify evidence-based resources in PPC
·Recognise & participate in effective communication
45 Kermode Street North Adelaide SA 5006, Australia
Julie Duffield
Quality of Care Collaborative Australia