Gallery of small things (GOST)

At GOST, we are keen to support and mentor artists to become confident, professional practising artists. Whether you have just graduated from art school, contemplating a return to your practice or simply keen to refresh your current practice, GOST can equip you with the start-up skills and knowledge required to navigate the arts world. Each workshop is limited to 3-5 artists to ensure everyone’s needs can be met. Additional workshops dependent on demand.

About the presenter

Anne Masters is the founder & Director of Gallery of Small Things (GOST). She has worked in the arts / marketing / communication sectors for more than 20 years. For six years, Anne was Graduate Administrator at the Australian National University School of Art + Design which saw her help more than 100 students navigate their way through MPhils and PhDs to: apply for travel and fieldwork grants; prepare for exhibitions and examinations; improve biographies and artist’ statements for catalogues; and balance study with personal life. 

Contact Information

Anne Masters

27 Wade Street Watson ACT 2602, Australia

View directions on Google Maps


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